We had a wonderful time at Bingo the other day! Everyone went home with some really great apples! We always have fun at Bingo, but that day just felt like a good day to take a group picture. We don't normally do it, but we should more often! We have a lot of fun every week, twice a week, and it keeps us in very close contact. Everyone is welcome to join Bingocize! The exercises are easy and modifiable to anyone that wants to come play! We are always giving away good prizes, and sometimes we give away extra special prizes! You never know what you'll get or what may happen at Bingocize, but it's something new every session! Our Falls-Prevention workshop will be over in 3 weeks, but stick around for news incoming about our Christmas 2022 Bingocize workshop! We are completely open to new members of our Bingocize program at any time! Hope to see you join the crowd!
