We took a group of our seniors to Memphis, Tennessee for a 3 day, 2 night vacation to visit Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley! This was our biggest undertaking to date and we cannot believe that we were blessed enough to be able to take these seniors on the trip of their lives to Graceland at Christmas time. We saw all of the Christmas decorations that Elvis put up every year, his home, his family grave site, the pool, all of the attractions at Graceland, and we toured Sun Studios in Memphis, the recording studio where Elvis got his start. This was the best trip that we have went on, and it's crazy just to be able to say that we did it. Here is just an assortment of the many, many memories that were made on this wonderful trip to the home of Elvis Presley, the King of Rock N' Roll.

A great group of people from Clay County Senior Citizens Center are at Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee!
I liked the chandelier at Graceland!