It all started when March of 2023 came along and we heard about a new multi-season show about the life of Jesus, something that had never been done before. Better yet, it was (and is) completely free to watch for all and completely funded by donations (wow). It caught our interest, to say the least. What we got when we watched the show was the most fulfilling spiritual experience that any of us have ever gotten from a screen. We got a realistic visualization of the life of Jesus... and it is still being made today! Nothing good said about it could be an exaggeration, so please, do go watch The Chosen. It is free for ALL to experience Jesus in a new way. However, I think I need to get back to my story. We fell in love with The Chosen and it set a new fire within us to share the Bible with our seniors. Easter was coming soon and for the entire week we shared an in-depth look at each day of the Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday in pamphlets handed out to each of our seniors. For our Easter celebration, we made Easter cards to send out to the seniors and had our seniors at the center watch the movie "Son of God". While we were watching the movie, Carmen, Bailey, and I looked at each other at the same time and said that we needed to bring the seniors to the center every week and watch The Chosen. When we went to see what the people at The Chosen sell for merchendise, we found out that they make bible studies for each season of the show! Thus, The Chosen Bible Study started in May of 2023 and we have met weekly as we have been able to watch an episode of The Chosen and discuss the Bible Study chapter for that episode provided by the same people whi make The Chosen. We are now very close to finishing all of the bible studies that are currently available (up to Season 3) just before Season 4 of The Chosen comes out in February (woohoo)! That brings me to what this is:
We are close to reaching a point where we will be waiting on new bible studies to release once a year for each new season until The Chosen is over after Season 7. To fill those gaps and to give everyone something that they can enjoy to still receive what they get from our Bible Study with The Chosen, I have decided to start a weekly devotional and Bible Study with The Chosen online for our seniors and anyone to view! It will be like a shorter version of our weekly Bible Study. It will feature a clip or scene from The Chosen and a bit of Bible Study or a devotional to go with that small piece of The Chosen. I hope that this will be beneficial, interesting, and fulfilling for those that want to enjoy just a little bit of our weekly Bible Study from home!