Clay County, Kentucky
Here is a helpful list of important numbers to act as a Clay County directory:
Clay Co. Senior Citizens Center 598-5754
Community Connection 658-2276
Daniel Boone Transport 598-8000, Other 598-5127
Kentucky Homeplace 599-1039
Ky. Mountain Housing 598-5128
Laurel Cr. Nursing Home 598-6163
Circuit Clerk 598-3663
Clay County Clerk 598-2544
Clay Co. Health Dept. 598-2425
Clay Co. Home Health 598-3942
Comp. Care 598-5172
County Judge 598-2071
Extension Office 598-2789
Highway Dept. 598-2145
Historical Society 598-5507
Mayor 598-3456
Post Office 598-3499
Public Library 598-2617
PVA Office 598-3832
Sheriff's Office 598-3471
Senator Robert Stivers 502-564-3120 or 598-2322
Rep. Derek Lewis 502-564-8100 (ext. 632)
Beech Creek Apts. 598-2522
Cedar Craig Apts. 598-3382
Church St. Apts. 598-8313
Manchester Highrise 598-3191
Mt. View Apts. 598-5323
Raintree Apts. 598-8342