Looking for a Fun Way to be More Active?
Bingo + Gentle Exercises = Bingocize!
Bingocize® is a health promotion program that combines the game of bingo with fall prevention exercises (seated or standing). Come play bingo and meet new people while learning about techniques to reduce falls and increase cognition. Bingocize® is exercise for your body, mind, and spirit.
What do we do?
Bingocize is a very fun program where we meet twice a week for ten weeks to complete Bingo Workshops. We don't only play Bingo while we meet, we learn about the current workshop and participate in light exercises that are customizable so that ANYONE can play! We have fun, give away free prizes, and learn together how to be healthier and more active. Bingocize is a wonderful program that we offer for anyone in the community to come to our facility and join in on the fun social interaction that can be very beneficial to the elderly. Click the buttons below to download examples of the schedule for one of our sessions and what we may learn and exercises that can be done at home that we do in session!

Starting February 26th
We meet every Monday and Friday at 3:30 PM at the Senior Citizens Center for our Spring 2024 Immune Health and Wellness Bingocize workshop! This workshop of Bingocize will still have the great fall-prevention exercises of the other Bingocize workshops and wonderful information on maintaining your health, but we will also be having fun activities, crafts, games, and RAFFLE GIVEAWAYS!!! Attending these sessions of Bingocize are an absolute MUST! BRING A FRIEND!!! Call us to sign up or inquire about more Bingocize information!
*Transportation CAN be provided!!!

Meet the Instructor!
Peyton Stevens
I was unsure of how I felt when Carmen asked me to do the training to become a Bingocize instructor through Western Kentucky University, but I could not have imagined how much that I would enjoy doing Bingocize! My Bingocizers and I have become a family over the past few months. As of September 2022 while I'm writing this, we have completed our Spring 2022 Nutrition Workshop and are currently in our Fall 2022 Falls-Prevention Workshop! I thoroughly enjoy my Bingocize time during the week, and look forward to each session. It feels extremely gratifying and warms my heart to see that the little work that I can do by running Bingocize actually helps and brings joy to my elderly friends that join me for our sessions. I look forward to helping everyone more and more as we move through the workshops of Bingocize! This is really fun and really helps those that are involved. I invite anyone who would like to come join our Bingocize family because where there is family, there is always love and laughter.
***Updated Completed Workshops***
Nutrition Bingocize Spring 2022
Fall-Prevention Bingocize Fall 2022
Surprise Bingocize Winter 2022-2023
Covid-19 Bingocize Spring 2023
*Current* Immune Health and Wellness Bingocize Spring 2024